Star Wars Jedi: Survivor All Platforms Patch Notes - Details

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor All Platforms Patch Notes – Details

Hey, fellow Jedi enthusiasts! The galaxy far, far away just got a whole lot better as EA and Respawn Entertainment have dropped a monumental update for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor across all platforms: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC. Brace yourselves, because Patch 7 is a game-changer!

Star Wars Jedi : Patch Notes Details

The highlight of this update is the complete makeover of the Performance Mode on both PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. This rework guarantees a silky-smooth 60 frames per second performance, thanks to a slew of GPU and CPU optimizations. The sacrifice? Ray Tracing is now disabled, but it’s a small price to pay for a consistent and immersive gaming experience.

  • Quality Mode also got its fair share of love, with optimizations that not only reduce FPS fluctuation but also introduce several visual enhancements. Now, your adventures in the Star Wars universe will look better than ever before.
  • PlayStation 5 users, rejoice! Variable Refresh Rate support has been added, promising even smoother gameplay and eliminating those annoying screen-tearing moments.
  • For our PC gaming Jedi, this update brings NVIDIA DLSS support to the table, which means you can now enjoy the game in all its glory with improved performance and stunning visuals. No longer will you have to wrestle with technical issues; this patch addresses the save system, preventing those dreaded save game corruptions. Plus, it packs in various crash fixes and more, making it a win-win for PC gamers.
  • The force is strong with this patch, as it tackles a host of bugs and issues across all platforms. Say goodbye to pesky problems related to cloth, lighting, and the user interface. Your Star Wars adventure just got a whole lot smoother.
  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor initially launched to acclaim, but some players were left grappling with a buggy experience. The development team has been hard at work, releasing numerous patches to improve the game. This latest update, however, is the most significant yet, promising a smoother and more enjoyable journey through the Star Wars universe.

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In a galaxy filled with adventure, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor just became an even more inviting destination. With Patch 7, the game’s performance and visual quality have been elevated to new heights, ensuring that players across all platforms can now experience the game as it was meant to be.

So, whether you’re a console commander or a PC Padawan, it’s time to dive back into the world of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and let the force guide you on your epic journey. May the performance be with you!

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